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CHANNELS - Enum constant in enum class io.github.thoroldvix.api.YtApiV3Endpoint
createDefault() - Static method in class io.github.thoroldvix.internal.TranscriptApiFactory
Creates a new instance of YoutubeTranscriptApi using the default YouTube client.
createParamsString(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface io.github.thoroldvix.api.YoutubeClient
Creates a string representation of the specified parameters.
createWithClient(YoutubeClient) - Static method in class io.github.thoroldvix.internal.TranscriptApiFactory
Creates a new instance of YoutubeTranscriptApi using the specified YoutubeClient.


fetch() - Method in interface io.github.thoroldvix.api.Transcript
Retrieves the content of the transcript.
findGeneratedTranscript(String...) - Method in interface io.github.thoroldvix.api.TranscriptList
Searches for an automatically generated transcript using the provided language codes.
findManualTranscript(String...) - Method in interface io.github.thoroldvix.api.TranscriptList
Searches for a manually created transcript using the provided language codes.
findTranscript(String...) - Method in interface io.github.thoroldvix.api.TranscriptList
Searches for a transcript using the provided language codes.
forEach(Consumer<? super Transcript>) - Method in interface io.github.thoroldvix.api.TranscriptList
format(TranscriptContent) - Method in interface io.github.thoroldvix.api.TranscriptFormatter
Formats the transcript content.


get(YtApiV3Endpoint, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface io.github.thoroldvix.api.YoutubeClient
Sends a GET request to the specified endpoint and returns the response body.
get(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface io.github.thoroldvix.api.YoutubeClient
Sends a GET request to the specified URL and returns the response body.
getApiKey() - Method in class io.github.thoroldvix.api.TranscriptRequest
getApiUrl() - Method in interface io.github.thoroldvix.api.Transcript
Returns API URL which needs to be called to fetch transcript content.
getContent() - Method in interface io.github.thoroldvix.api.TranscriptContent
Retrieves a list of TranscriptContent.Fragment objects that represent the content of the transcript.
getCookiesPath() - Method in class io.github.thoroldvix.api.TranscriptRequest
getDur() - Method in interface io.github.thoroldvix.api.TranscriptContent.Fragment
Retrieves the duration of the fragment in seconds.
getLanguage() - Method in interface io.github.thoroldvix.api.Transcript
Gets the language of the transcript.
getLanguageCode() - Method in interface io.github.thoroldvix.api.Transcript
Gets the language code of the transcript.
getStart() - Method in interface io.github.thoroldvix.api.TranscriptContent.Fragment
Retrieves the start time of the fragment in seconds.
getText() - Method in interface io.github.thoroldvix.api.TranscriptContent.Fragment
Retrieves the text of the fragment.
getTranscript(String, String...) - Method in interface io.github.thoroldvix.api.YoutubeTranscriptApi
Retrieves transcript content for a single video.
getTranscriptsForChannel(String, TranscriptRequest, String...) - Method in interface io.github.thoroldvix.api.YoutubeTranscriptApi
Retrieves transcript content for all videos for the specified channel.
getTranscriptsForPlaylist(String, TranscriptRequest, String...) - Method in interface io.github.thoroldvix.api.YoutubeTranscriptApi
Retrieves transcript content for all videos in the specified playlist.
getTranscriptWithCookies(String, String, String...) - Method in interface io.github.thoroldvix.api.YoutubeTranscriptApi
Retrieves transcript content for a given video using cookies from a specified file path.
getTranslationLanguages() - Method in interface io.github.thoroldvix.api.Transcript
Lists all available translation languages for the transcript.
getVideoId() - Method in interface io.github.thoroldvix.api.Transcript
Gets the video id of the transcript.
getVideoId() - Method in interface io.github.thoroldvix.api.TranscriptList
Retrieves the ID of the video to which transcript was retrieved.
getVideoId() - Method in exception class io.github.thoroldvix.api.TranscriptRetrievalException


io.github.thoroldvix.api - package io.github.thoroldvix.api
io.github.thoroldvix.internal - package io.github.thoroldvix.internal
isGenerated() - Method in interface io.github.thoroldvix.api.Transcript
Determines if the transcript was automatically generated by YouTube.
isStopOnError() - Method in class io.github.thoroldvix.api.TranscriptRequest
isTranslatable() - Method in interface io.github.thoroldvix.api.Transcript
Indicates whether the transcript can be translated.


jsonFormatter() - Static method in class io.github.thoroldvix.api.TranscriptFormatters
Creates a TranscriptFormatter that formats transcript content as JSON.


listTranscripts(String) - Method in interface io.github.thoroldvix.api.YoutubeTranscriptApi
Retrieves a list of available transcripts for a given video.
listTranscriptsForChannel(String, TranscriptRequest) - Method in interface io.github.thoroldvix.api.YoutubeTranscriptApi
Retrieves transcript lists for all videos for the specified channel.
listTranscriptsForPlaylist(String, TranscriptRequest) - Method in interface io.github.thoroldvix.api.YoutubeTranscriptApi
Retrieves transcript lists for all videos in the specified playlist.
listTranscriptsWithCookies(String, String) - Method in interface io.github.thoroldvix.api.YoutubeTranscriptApi
Retrieves a list of available transcripts for a given video using cookies from a specified file path.


PLAYLIST_ITEMS - Enum constant in enum class io.github.thoroldvix.api.YtApiV3Endpoint
prettyJsonFormatter() - Static method in class io.github.thoroldvix.api.TranscriptFormatters
Creates a TranscriptFormatter that formats transcript content as pretty-printed JSON.


SEARCH - Enum constant in enum class io.github.thoroldvix.api.YtApiV3Endpoint
srtFormatter() - Static method in class io.github.thoroldvix.api.TranscriptFormatters
Creates a TranscriptFormatter that formats transcript content as SRT (SubRip) subtitles.


textFormatter() - Static method in class io.github.thoroldvix.api.TranscriptFormatters
Creates a TranscriptFormatter that formats transcript content as plain text without timestamps.
toString() - Method in enum class io.github.thoroldvix.api.YtApiV3Endpoint
Transcript - Interface in io.github.thoroldvix.api
Represents a single transcript for a YouTube video, including its metadata.
TranscriptApiFactory - Class in io.github.thoroldvix.internal
Responsible for creating instances of YoutubeTranscriptApi.
TranscriptContent - Interface in io.github.thoroldvix.api
Represents the content of a transcript for a single video.
TranscriptContent.Fragment - Interface in io.github.thoroldvix.api
Represents a single fragment of the transcript content.
TranscriptFormatter - Interface in io.github.thoroldvix.api
Represents a formatter for transcript content.
TranscriptFormatters - Class in io.github.thoroldvix.api
Responsible for creating TranscriptFormatter instances.
TranscriptList - Interface in io.github.thoroldvix.api
Represents a list of all available transcripts for a YouTube video.
TranscriptRequest - Class in io.github.thoroldvix.api
Request object for retrieving transcripts.
TranscriptRequest(String) - Constructor for class io.github.thoroldvix.api.TranscriptRequest
TranscriptRequest(String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.github.thoroldvix.api.TranscriptRequest
TranscriptRequest(String, String) - Constructor for class io.github.thoroldvix.api.TranscriptRequest
TranscriptRequest(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.github.thoroldvix.api.TranscriptRequest
Creates a new instance of TranscriptRequest
TranscriptRetrievalException - Exception Class in io.github.thoroldvix.api
Exception thrown when a transcript cannot be retrieved for a specified video.
TranscriptRetrievalException(String) - Constructor for exception class io.github.thoroldvix.api.TranscriptRetrievalException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
TranscriptRetrievalException(String, String) - Constructor for exception class io.github.thoroldvix.api.TranscriptRetrievalException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
TranscriptRetrievalException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class io.github.thoroldvix.api.TranscriptRetrievalException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
TranscriptRetrievalException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class io.github.thoroldvix.api.TranscriptRetrievalException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
translate(String) - Method in interface io.github.thoroldvix.api.Transcript
Translates the transcript into the specified language.


url() - Method in enum class io.github.thoroldvix.api.YtApiV3Endpoint


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.github.thoroldvix.api.YtApiV3Endpoint
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class io.github.thoroldvix.api.YtApiV3Endpoint
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.


webVTTFormatter() - Static method in class io.github.thoroldvix.api.TranscriptFormatters
Creates a TranscriptFormatter that formats transcript content as WebVTT format.


YoutubeClient - Interface in io.github.thoroldvix.api
Responsible for sending GET requests to YouTube.
YoutubeTranscriptApi - Interface in io.github.thoroldvix.api
This is the main interface for the YouTube Transcript API.
YtApiV3Endpoint - Enum Class in io.github.thoroldvix.api
The YouTube API V3 endpoints.
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